Ubuntu Server Installation

In this tutorial, We are going to cover step by step installation of Ubuntu 14.04 Server Operating System. We will be installing ubuntu using virtualization software. You can use  VMware Workstation Player, Virtual Box, KVM, or Hyper-V as your choice of virtualization software. Here we are going to use VMware Workstation Player.  Go to www.ubuntu.com website & download the ubuntu iso.

Step 1: Open VMware Workstation Player. Right click on home button. It will show menu. Select “create a new vm” option. It will show new virtual machine creation wizard. There are many options. Just select the option that “I will install the operating system later on”. Click on Next.

vmplayer installation

ubuntu server installation

Step 2: One of the most important option is selecting the guest operating system. You can install any Microsoft Windows operating system, any Linux distribution such as Redhat, Fedora, Ubuntu, Suse etc. If the Operating System you are trying to install is not showing up in the list, just select the other option. The different screenshots are showing you the different choices available.

ubuntu server installation





Step 3: But since we want to install ubuntu 14.04 server 64 bit edition so we are going to choose guest operation system as Linux & version as ubuntu 64-bit. After selection, click on next button.


Step 4: This screen asks for the name of the virtual machine & Location.


Step 5: We have changed the name to “ubuntu1404” & Location to “C:\vm\ubuntu1404”. Click on next.


Step 6: This step involves specifying disk capacity. Here you are going to specify the size according to your requirements. Here we have chosen the recommended size of 20GB. Other important choice  is whether you want to store the disk as a single file or split disk into multiple files. We are here choosing split option so that it easier to move this vm (virtual machine) to another host. Click on next.


Step 7:  It is showing “ready to create virtual machine” screen. It is showing information about various options that we have selected earlier screens plus certain other information regarding memory & network adapter.


Step 8: Right click on ubuntu1404 vm & then choose settings.


Step 9: This screen is showing various setting which can be changed. Default memory of 1GB has been allocated to this machine. We can change the value according to the guest operating system requirements. Here we are keeping the default value.

ubuntu server installation

Step 10: On clicking Options tab, we can make changes if required. You can change the name of the virtual machine, working directory or template of guest operating system.


Step 11: Here you can choose no. of processors to be allocated to guest vm. If your host hardware supports hardware virtualization (processors such as i3, i5 or i7) & you want your guest to benefit from hardware virtualization, then enable virtualization settings.



Step 12: Here you can manage hard disk settings. We are not making any changes here.


Step 13: There are many ways of installing guest os. One is through physical drive. For this you need cd/dvd of guest os. Other method is through using operating system “iso” files. Since we have already downloaded ubuntu 14.04 server “iso” so in our case we are installing guest os using “iso”.


Step 14: Specify the path of ubuntu iso.


Step 15: Chosing network adapter type is another very important step during guest os installation. Choose “NAT” if want to have internet access in guest os, when internet access is available on host os. This option is also helpful when you want to access guest os using host os. Choose “Host” or “Bridge” option if you want your guest virtual machines to communicate with one another. We will choose “NAT” here because it is recommended to have internet access during ubuntu installation.

